Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Day!

I apologize for not being around for a while. I've been taking some time to work on other side projects as finally editing the book I wrote a year ago. Submitting a list to listverse to see if I could finally get paid for writing something. And working on a new manga comic strip. I am going to place out there a small excerpt of what I'm working on. I would love constructive criticism, but please make it constructive.

Let's get the comments going!

In front of him sat a pool of his own creation. He could sit and bathe until he felt settled enough to return. This was his private spot. Often you could find natural water here, but during the drought season it had dried up. It was a man dug hole that he and Hadad had dug when they were younger. During the hot rainy season it would fill with water and they could swim. Hantili had learned the water spell so they could bathe together even when the rains had not fallen. He quickly removed his furs and sank into the cool water.
"Good morning." A voice called to him from nearby. How had he not noticed someone else was here. It wasn't like him to be unaware of his surroundings. His hand reached instinctively toward his sword which remained near him at all times. "No need to be alarmed." Now he could hear the sound of hoof beats trotting forward. Coming out from beyond the trees was a creature with the body of horse with the chest and head of a man. Han had spent many hours in this forest yet he had never come across an animal quite like this before.
"Good morning." His hand had gripped his swords handle. "I would stand to shake your hand, but I'm afraid you may view more than you were hoping for. I hope you'll forgive me for not rising."
"Yes, that's quite alright. I appreciate the thought. I am sorry for startling you, however, you came and sat down in the pool I usually drink out of."
"I apologize, I did not realize anyone else used this pool."
"It's of little consequence." The man's features were sharp, but his voice was calming. It seemed to Han that the man's skin, fur, and hair were all the same color of light tan. His black eyes were eerie to look into and gave Han a chill. His body looked strong though he appeared to have no weapons. There was little Han feared, but something told him to remain on guard. The creature gracefully placed his legs behind himself and sat by the edge of the pool. "In truth I followed the party that arrived last night. I was curious about the girl who rode on the black winged horse."
"Forgive me, many women arrived last night, but I do not remember seeing one astride a winged horse." Han knew he was speaking of the Princess. He had not lied though. When the gates had opened she had no longer been on her horse. What had she done to get this creatures attention? "Perhaps you could be more specific."
"The one with the long, black hair and violet eyes. Her skin looks soft and glows as the sun." The creature smiled. "It seems I have struck a cord in you." Could his face have given him away?
Hantili stood holding his sword. He walked backwards out of the pool and reached slowly for his furs. He wrapped them back across his body without ever taking his eyes off his enemy. The creature remained seated as he dressed. Without a weapon it would be unlikely this animal could beat him. "Yes, there is no mistaking whom you are speaking of. She will be the next Queen, Tawannanna. What is the nature of your query? Do you have some relationship with her?"

"Ah, I came to see the girl who has a friend smitten. The Queen you say. I had heard previously that the djinn's Princess was lovely, but it seems none of the rumors did her justice.” He kept his eyes on Han as he slowly rose to his feet. “I did not come here to fight. Relax your sword. I shall take my leave of you. Enjoy the morning." He bowed low on his legs before disappearing into the forest. Perhaps Han would journey behind the group. Their Princess was attracting the attention of many people. Something big was coming and he now believed he would see it if he followed her.

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to find my blog amusing!

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