Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Great War Has Begun

      Trying to use war to bring about an era of peace is as a thought as old as time itself. My character is struggling as she tries desperately to overcome the tremendous army that stands beyond her walls. Led by the Djinn that killed her lover she is flooded with fear, grief, desire, anger, and confusion. She is lucky that she has so many others supporting her.
     I'm currently experience a war in my every day life. I'm not a soldier, but I believe each day we all have our own battles that we are facing. In my dream last night there was no symbolism, I stopped in the middle of my dream to say, "I am feeling overwhelmed and I need a minute. All of this is happening so fast." It is of course in reference to my engagement, moving out, and my life in general. After being at a stand still for so long, it feels hard to take that step into adulthood especially because my parents do not want to acknowledge that any of the changes in my life exist.
     These are my battles and the Princess is who I desire to be. A woman who is strong and capable. She does not need a man and is limitless. She will raise the dead to consume the living is that is what it takes to protect her men and save her kingdom. I wish I had that strength. Oh, remember to type in your email to the right to subscribe if you like what you're reading!

Mursili received the message quickly after he had assembled the troops to recall. It was much quicker to travel through the city streets on horseback.
The princess has given us our orders.” He turned to his men. The twenty to thirty ranks stood awaiting their orders. “A few of you must remain behind.” He pointed to five groups. “Do not lose formation. You have fought under me long enough to know how I would like you to conduct yourselves. The princess orders that a few of us remain behind to deal with stragglers. Conceal yourself within the clay walls of the city. There you will remain until it seems the others have passed.” He pointed at two or three other groups of men. “You will lead those who enter through this gate into the middle of the city.” He then looked all his men. “The rest of you will follow me. You have your orders now break.”
His men moved quickly. It was not surprising. These were the best men the city of Hebat had to offer. He sighed and vaguely wondered how the baby was doing in all this excitement. Sooner or later she would no longer be able to lead the men into war. He prayed that would be sooner. Not that they would lose today, that was not an option, but he hoped she’d come to her senses and rest during her pregnancy. She had already almost lost the baby once.
He had always felt a fatherly and loving nature towards her. She had asked him to train her in the ways of survival and fighting tactics. She had wanted to be a warrior, yet he couldn’t help but want to shield her from the world. He would have never thought he would end up feeling this way seven years ago when she approached him for the first time.
He was entrusted to watch over this precious daughter of his highness. He knew however the tragic fate of Hadad’s mother. He had always included protecting her and her mother from the King himself. Her mother would be so proud of her daughter.
Her mother must be with the other women down below in the Serail. He prayed the sickly Tawananna was being cared for properly. He listened to the footsteps of his men as they marched along the dusty streets of their desert village. The lotus blossoms were in full bloom and small patches of grass lay here and there. It was in this place that his journey… his emotional journey began and it was here that it must end.

What?” Hantili was taken aback at the brazen plan. It was an all or nothing scheme. He smiled to himself as he turned to his men. He would expect nothing less from the great warrior princess. She was delivered by the hand of god after all to give these men victory over their enemies.
Our Princess has issued our orders.” He proudly looked at the men around him and began to break them into the groups they would need to fulfill her orders. He could not believe the tragedy and luck fate had bestowed upon him in the past few days. Everything had happened so fast. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
A cold wind blew across his dark hair. He looked up to see the darkening sky. It loomed overhead almost as a sign. Rain was a rare but welcome addition to the dry desert city. He had heard Hadad speak long about the irrigation tunnels that were built to store and bring the water from the rain to the people of Hebat.
There was nothing about this city or her that he didn’t love. He only wished Hadad would be here to see their victory. The day would come though when they would meet once more.

All or nothing men! We will hold our ground till our legs go out from under us. Fight to the death Hebat will not fall today!” He issued a war cry as he went to join his Queen.

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