Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bernie Sanders 2016

     This is my first political post so bear with me. I grew up with the American dream. Go to college, work hard, be loyal and you will be rewarded with enough money to have a house, two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence by 28.
     Well, I'm 28 and realizing that the American dream has been a dead for many years. I received a degree in Anthropology and came out of college at the moment the economy tanked. I now work the mall making barely enough to pay my bills and still live home with my parents. My co-workers know I'm engaged and asked me today about having kids. I responded, "who can afford them?"
    This is the reality for millennials. The way the current presidential campaign is shaping up I am frightened for the future. Bernie Sanders is the only person I believe can come in and make the changes we need to make the American dream a reality again. As he said last night he is for tuition free higher education, free healthcare, and breaking the big banks.
     Most people hear the words breaking the big banks and they think he wants to get rid of the banking system. No, that is not the case. One of the biggest problems with our current banking system is that most of our assets are tied up in four major institutions. If one of our banks were to fail what would the effect be on our economy? If chase fails would that federal protection be able to protect everyone's money? What about your loans, credit, and other assets? If one bank crumbled how deeply could it hurt our economy as a whole? Our banks are too big to fail which is why we bailed them out.
     What Bernie is looking to do is create a number of smaller banking systems. Imagine a world of credit unions across the country instead of the corporate banks. I believe, and most financial advisors would agree, most people should move away from the big banks and towards a smaller local branch. They have higher interest rates on savings accounts, lower interest rates on loans, lower fees, and more personalised service.
     I believe Bernie Sanders will stay true to his word about bringing jobs back to America and restoring the middle class. He has always stood by his convictions unlike most career politicians, like Hilary. She has swayed with the wind on more than one issue over the last ten years. With the help of millennials we can make this world a reality. Whoever goes into this election needs the youth vote to win. If you need more incentive, he's also looking to decriminalize marijuana.
     Walking into the unknown is scary. Bernie is certainly the unknown party. We know and have lived all our lives in the damaged economy that was built by republicans and democrats over the last ten years. Now, there is a candidate nearing the front lines who calling for all the radical changes we desire. Get out and vote. I expect great things this coming year.

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