Friday, January 15, 2016

What You Need To Know About The Economy This Election

     We're revving up to another election period and the country is on the verge of what I consider a major economic disaster. Two days ago I listened to Secretary of State John Kerry's speech on foreign policy. His hope is to open our doors for more Syrian refugees letting them know that they are welcome in our country. Over all I think it's a great concept. I am very liberal and as a student of anthropology I would like to eliminate the hard times for others; however, now is not the time for America to open it's door due to the poor state of our economy.
     Six years after graduating from a state university and I am still hunting for a job to pay me a living wage. My parents are creeping up on 70 and my brother and I are still forced to live at home. Why? Because I am trying to convince companies to pay me the same wage they would pay someone 20 years my senior. This is due to the fact that there are more jobs in demand than are being supplied. Companies are willing to pay workers higher wages when there is less of a supply in the market. Most workers in our country are either unemployed or underemployed.
     In Obama's last state of the union address he spoke of his acheivements. One he proudly totes is that unemployment is down to 5%. As Bernie Sanders pointed out that does not include those Americans who have given up on finding a job. One of the biggest problems in fixing the economy under Obama's reign was the failure of his economic stimulus package and before you start telling me of it's successes hear me out.
     The economic stimulus package was divided into three parts. The first part of the funding went to tax cuts, the second extended unemployment benefits, and the third job creation. The tax cut was supposed to increase consumer spending across the country, but without receiving a check the way that the people have under other administration's; most people did not realize they were getting less tax withholding and so the result was they did not spend.
     Extended unemployment was a great way to use the money. I have no problem with that part of the bill. The third portion, job growth, was focused on creating jobs to stimulate the economy. I believe this was ultimately a failure, because most of the jobs created would not pay a living wage. It was a short sighted plan to boost the economy, because it focused only on re-circulating the money currently in our economy. What we need is a package designed to help bring money into the country to boost our economy long term. If we had put that into motion along with extended unemployment benefits we might be better off today. More money in the economy might create jobs slower, but it will help to create higher paying jobs as well as increase tax revenue. If we are taxed at a particular rate the more money each individual makes the more money we have to feed into government programs.
     In my eyes if we had looked to more long term solutions we could be in an economic boom instead of slowly crawling out of a recession. I support Bernie Sanders because he desires real change. He understands that we cannot over burden an already struggling country. He plans to tax the wealthy at a higher rate in order to provide more income into government programs and hopes to end or greatly decrease outsourcing. We are a consumer culture in America, which is why we are in a state of decline. We need to find ways to bring new money into the country. How do you suggest we fix these problems in 2016?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bernie Sanders 2016

     This is my first political post so bear with me. I grew up with the American dream. Go to college, work hard, be loyal and you will be rewarded with enough money to have a house, two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence by 28.
     Well, I'm 28 and realizing that the American dream has been a dead for many years. I received a degree in Anthropology and came out of college at the moment the economy tanked. I now work the mall making barely enough to pay my bills and still live home with my parents. My co-workers know I'm engaged and asked me today about having kids. I responded, "who can afford them?"
    This is the reality for millennials. The way the current presidential campaign is shaping up I am frightened for the future. Bernie Sanders is the only person I believe can come in and make the changes we need to make the American dream a reality again. As he said last night he is for tuition free higher education, free healthcare, and breaking the big banks.
     Most people hear the words breaking the big banks and they think he wants to get rid of the banking system. No, that is not the case. One of the biggest problems with our current banking system is that most of our assets are tied up in four major institutions. If one of our banks were to fail what would the effect be on our economy? If chase fails would that federal protection be able to protect everyone's money? What about your loans, credit, and other assets? If one bank crumbled how deeply could it hurt our economy as a whole? Our banks are too big to fail which is why we bailed them out.
     What Bernie is looking to do is create a number of smaller banking systems. Imagine a world of credit unions across the country instead of the corporate banks. I believe, and most financial advisors would agree, most people should move away from the big banks and towards a smaller local branch. They have higher interest rates on savings accounts, lower interest rates on loans, lower fees, and more personalised service.
     I believe Bernie Sanders will stay true to his word about bringing jobs back to America and restoring the middle class. He has always stood by his convictions unlike most career politicians, like Hilary. She has swayed with the wind on more than one issue over the last ten years. With the help of millennials we can make this world a reality. Whoever goes into this election needs the youth vote to win. If you need more incentive, he's also looking to decriminalize marijuana.
     Walking into the unknown is scary. Bernie is certainly the unknown party. We know and have lived all our lives in the damaged economy that was built by republicans and democrats over the last ten years. Now, there is a candidate nearing the front lines who calling for all the radical changes we desire. Get out and vote. I expect great things this coming year.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Top Alcohol for a Great Night In

 The Japanese say that eating together makes the food taste better. Along with great friends, food and fun, there is no meal that doesn't taste better with an excellent alcohol accompanying it. You don't need to buy expensive alcohol either. Some of the best tasting wines, whiskeys, and vodkas I've had have been very inexpensive. Today I'm going to list my top few to add to your table.

1) Black Box Merlot- This wine is dry just as I like it. It has a rich fruity taste, but is not sweet. I think that a good red pair with everything, but if you are particular about wine and food pairings this one works very well with a steak. I highly recommend cooking with it, perhaps you can even use it in the food.

2) Fireball Whiskey- This is a favorite of my fiance. I personally don't like the hot cinnamon flavor, but it is easy going down. It is a great sipping whiskey. If you were a fan of fireball candies in your youth this will be a great choice for you. I believe it can also be a great addition to add a little spice to chocolate desserts.

3) Woodbridge Mondavi Chardonnay- A rich oak can be tasted in this wonderfully dry chardonnay. I use this is my one of my new favorite recipes that mimics Chicken New Orleans. You can find the recipe here. Although I believe it can be used as a base white wine for almost any recipe it is excellent to simply drink and relax into.

These are my top three choices, but there are many more out there that I wish to try. Gallo is a cheap wine, but it's White Zin will do in a pinch. I would suggest spending the extra two dollars to get a bottle of White Zin from Beringer. Tell me about your favorite wines in the comments and don't forget to type in your email to follow my blog for more interesting things.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Great War Has Begun

      Trying to use war to bring about an era of peace is as a thought as old as time itself. My character is struggling as she tries desperately to overcome the tremendous army that stands beyond her walls. Led by the Djinn that killed her lover she is flooded with fear, grief, desire, anger, and confusion. She is lucky that she has so many others supporting her.
     I'm currently experience a war in my every day life. I'm not a soldier, but I believe each day we all have our own battles that we are facing. In my dream last night there was no symbolism, I stopped in the middle of my dream to say, "I am feeling overwhelmed and I need a minute. All of this is happening so fast." It is of course in reference to my engagement, moving out, and my life in general. After being at a stand still for so long, it feels hard to take that step into adulthood especially because my parents do not want to acknowledge that any of the changes in my life exist.
     These are my battles and the Princess is who I desire to be. A woman who is strong and capable. She does not need a man and is limitless. She will raise the dead to consume the living is that is what it takes to protect her men and save her kingdom. I wish I had that strength. Oh, remember to type in your email to the right to subscribe if you like what you're reading!

Mursili received the message quickly after he had assembled the troops to recall. It was much quicker to travel through the city streets on horseback.
The princess has given us our orders.” He turned to his men. The twenty to thirty ranks stood awaiting their orders. “A few of you must remain behind.” He pointed to five groups. “Do not lose formation. You have fought under me long enough to know how I would like you to conduct yourselves. The princess orders that a few of us remain behind to deal with stragglers. Conceal yourself within the clay walls of the city. There you will remain until it seems the others have passed.” He pointed at two or three other groups of men. “You will lead those who enter through this gate into the middle of the city.” He then looked all his men. “The rest of you will follow me. You have your orders now break.”
His men moved quickly. It was not surprising. These were the best men the city of Hebat had to offer. He sighed and vaguely wondered how the baby was doing in all this excitement. Sooner or later she would no longer be able to lead the men into war. He prayed that would be sooner. Not that they would lose today, that was not an option, but he hoped she’d come to her senses and rest during her pregnancy. She had already almost lost the baby once.
He had always felt a fatherly and loving nature towards her. She had asked him to train her in the ways of survival and fighting tactics. She had wanted to be a warrior, yet he couldn’t help but want to shield her from the world. He would have never thought he would end up feeling this way seven years ago when she approached him for the first time.
He was entrusted to watch over this precious daughter of his highness. He knew however the tragic fate of Hadad’s mother. He had always included protecting her and her mother from the King himself. Her mother would be so proud of her daughter.
Her mother must be with the other women down below in the Serail. He prayed the sickly Tawananna was being cared for properly. He listened to the footsteps of his men as they marched along the dusty streets of their desert village. The lotus blossoms were in full bloom and small patches of grass lay here and there. It was in this place that his journey… his emotional journey began and it was here that it must end.

What?” Hantili was taken aback at the brazen plan. It was an all or nothing scheme. He smiled to himself as he turned to his men. He would expect nothing less from the great warrior princess. She was delivered by the hand of god after all to give these men victory over their enemies.
Our Princess has issued our orders.” He proudly looked at the men around him and began to break them into the groups they would need to fulfill her orders. He could not believe the tragedy and luck fate had bestowed upon him in the past few days. Everything had happened so fast. He wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
A cold wind blew across his dark hair. He looked up to see the darkening sky. It loomed overhead almost as a sign. Rain was a rare but welcome addition to the dry desert city. He had heard Hadad speak long about the irrigation tunnels that were built to store and bring the water from the rain to the people of Hebat.
There was nothing about this city or her that he didn’t love. He only wished Hadad would be here to see their victory. The day would come though when they would meet once more.

All or nothing men! We will hold our ground till our legs go out from under us. Fight to the death Hebat will not fall today!” He issued a war cry as he went to join his Queen.

Monday, December 14, 2015


Life could be cruel back in the day. Not to say it's any easier now, we just face different difficulties and stressors. My character is feeling the pressure as marriage looms ahead.

What is your mother like?” Baffled she stared at him for a moment.
What a strange question. She is an excellent Tawannana by all accounts. She is honest and loyal to the King. They are very much in love. She is beautiful and warm as the summer sun. There are those who have tried to have her murdered many times. I'm sure you are aware of the rumors surrounding her lineage.”
Yes, your mother rising to be Tawannana was a very strange ordeal.”
I know. That is how I came to be promised to you. I will pay for my mother’s love.”
In Hebat the daughter succeeds the mother as Tawannana unless she is exchanged to a foreign land. In return the daughter of the Tawannana in the foreign city becomes the successor to ensure peace.”
Yes." Astarte thought for a long moment. "I suppose asking for Mursili to teach me about war was my final way of trying to not be treated like live stock.”
Woman are traded every day for money or political gain. We are like animals that are traded to create a bond between men. Woman are raped, sold, and forcibly married. I have no choice but to marry you to restore the order that my father disturbed by making my mother a second Tawannana.”
Until then though, you have your freedom.”
Do I? I am expected to remain loyal in the promise. Even in freedom I am still confined. If I fall in love with another…. What then?”
I see. Then let us look to the future together for now. You and I. I wish to live in a world where you love me. I will work hard to win your heart.”

I want that.”

The ancient land of Pangea could be a cruel place to be a woman born into privilege. Unlike any fairy tale she finds herself leading an army into a battle well fighting not to be forced into a loveless marriage. She wishes to change the world, but her feelings waver along the way. It's scary to leave the security of the palace. To walk out and not know if you will be alive to return. Please leave comments! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Day!

I apologize for not being around for a while. I've been taking some time to work on other side projects as finally editing the book I wrote a year ago. Submitting a list to listverse to see if I could finally get paid for writing something. And working on a new manga comic strip. I am going to place out there a small excerpt of what I'm working on. I would love constructive criticism, but please make it constructive.

Let's get the comments going!

In front of him sat a pool of his own creation. He could sit and bathe until he felt settled enough to return. This was his private spot. Often you could find natural water here, but during the drought season it had dried up. It was a man dug hole that he and Hadad had dug when they were younger. During the hot rainy season it would fill with water and they could swim. Hantili had learned the water spell so they could bathe together even when the rains had not fallen. He quickly removed his furs and sank into the cool water.
"Good morning." A voice called to him from nearby. How had he not noticed someone else was here. It wasn't like him to be unaware of his surroundings. His hand reached instinctively toward his sword which remained near him at all times. "No need to be alarmed." Now he could hear the sound of hoof beats trotting forward. Coming out from beyond the trees was a creature with the body of horse with the chest and head of a man. Han had spent many hours in this forest yet he had never come across an animal quite like this before.
"Good morning." His hand had gripped his swords handle. "I would stand to shake your hand, but I'm afraid you may view more than you were hoping for. I hope you'll forgive me for not rising."
"Yes, that's quite alright. I appreciate the thought. I am sorry for startling you, however, you came and sat down in the pool I usually drink out of."
"I apologize, I did not realize anyone else used this pool."
"It's of little consequence." The man's features were sharp, but his voice was calming. It seemed to Han that the man's skin, fur, and hair were all the same color of light tan. His black eyes were eerie to look into and gave Han a chill. His body looked strong though he appeared to have no weapons. There was little Han feared, but something told him to remain on guard. The creature gracefully placed his legs behind himself and sat by the edge of the pool. "In truth I followed the party that arrived last night. I was curious about the girl who rode on the black winged horse."
"Forgive me, many women arrived last night, but I do not remember seeing one astride a winged horse." Han knew he was speaking of the Princess. He had not lied though. When the gates had opened she had no longer been on her horse. What had she done to get this creatures attention? "Perhaps you could be more specific."
"The one with the long, black hair and violet eyes. Her skin looks soft and glows as the sun." The creature smiled. "It seems I have struck a cord in you." Could his face have given him away?
Hantili stood holding his sword. He walked backwards out of the pool and reached slowly for his furs. He wrapped them back across his body without ever taking his eyes off his enemy. The creature remained seated as he dressed. Without a weapon it would be unlikely this animal could beat him. "Yes, there is no mistaking whom you are speaking of. She will be the next Queen, Tawannanna. What is the nature of your query? Do you have some relationship with her?"

"Ah, I came to see the girl who has a friend smitten. The Queen you say. I had heard previously that the djinn's Princess was lovely, but it seems none of the rumors did her justice.” He kept his eyes on Han as he slowly rose to his feet. “I did not come here to fight. Relax your sword. I shall take my leave of you. Enjoy the morning." He bowed low on his legs before disappearing into the forest. Perhaps Han would journey behind the group. Their Princess was attracting the attention of many people. Something big was coming and he now believed he would see it if he followed her.

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to find my blog amusing!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Retail's End?

     I came across an article on LinkedIn this morning that posed the question are we nearing the death of desktop based retail? I thought to myself how are we nearing the end of desktop based retail? In my world we are just at the cusp of the consumer online experience. Perhaps I am bias. After having spent 10 years in a retail store with the monumental expectation of selling 1,000 dollars or more a day I can confidently say brick and mortar stores are becoming obsolete.
     Just last night I was having a conversation with a manager from another store. I asked how it was going and she replied not good, I am extremely stressed tonight. We had three customers walk in. I asked her, for the night? No. For the entire day.
     Forbes posted an article last year confirming my notion that people are not buying things when they walk into establishments. I have to admit I was worried I would not have a job if companies caught on, but while Forbes did suggest that people were not buying as much from the physical locations they confirmed that the brick and mortar stores still had a purpose. Hence I would still have a job.
      People who go into retail stores are looking for the experience of shopping. They want to touch and feel things even if they go home and then purchase them online. Looking back, I can understand that. I am guilty of it myself. How many times have I gone out to best buy to look at phones or computers, to interact with the product, only to go home and compare prices online and then have it shipped to me? Well I still only do this for major purchases. It seems people chose to do this for a lot of the smaller things today.

     So back to the article that first got my attention. Clicking on the link it seems they are talking about the death of the desktop based retail in India, because studies show people are moving to mobile only ordering systems. I, personally, can't imagine ordering everything on my phone, even though I have a fablat. I feel that the screen is still to tiny for me to make a proper assessment of images on the screen. The author did note that he believes this trendis specific only to India. Thank goodness for that. I need my big screen websites!
     With the downfall of physical stores I know that I will need to rely on web-based ordering in the near future. The idea that all ordering will be done through apps on a mobile only base is frightening. Everything is moving to apps. (I know I sound ancient I'm not even 30). I just find apps to be a real pain in the... you know. I hate searching for them on my phone. I must flip through the pages at least 20 times before spotting the app I'm searching for. I tried to combine them into categories, but that doesn't help much. 
     I know that it would take a lot of the stress off of retail associates to move to Forbes vision of stores where no retail item is expected to be sold. However, I am conflicted as one of the last members of a generation that remembers a time before phones and apps were a part of everyday life. I like buying at the brick and mortar establishments. I idealize the concept of human interaction. I love walking into say, autozone and knowing that the workers there have a knowledge and expertise I cannot get from a computer screen (minus youtube videos), This goes for every retail resource. Those workers work hard to deliver quality service and information to the consumer. 
     Then the thought of app only ordering. How would I ever shop again? It's an ever changing world, but does it have to evolve so quickly? Why do we keep moving away from interactions with others? We are a social creature right? Depression has become more prevalent in recent years and I can't help but wonder if it's because we are defying our nature with our reliance of hiding behind a computer screen. But that's just one persons opinion. The world, despite my objections, will keep on turning. I will wait for the day to come when it finally stops.